Daily Archives: April 15, 2009

Allen Toussaint

Outside of New Orleans and some real music afficianados and trivia buffs Allen Toussaint isn’t a well-known figure. But Allen is a giant in the music world. But he’s one of the most influential figures in New Orleans R&B. Many of his songs, though, are familiar to the world through their numerous cover versions, including “Working in the Coalmine,” “Ride Your Poney,” “Brickyard Blues,” “Seeet Touch of Love”  and “Southern Nights.”

Though most often hiding behind the scenes Allen Toussaint does appear on stage from time to time and you are in for a real treat if you’re lucky enough to be around when he does. Allen is a great piano player in the long line of great New Orleans piano players.

Actually, the inclusion of this video is leading up to a post coming soon.

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